Op de BUR Academy website kun je nu tijdelijk de Online videoserie bestellen waarin René & Susanne in een serie met circa vier uur aan video’s toelichting geven over de BUR Methode © Transformational Coaching. KLIK OP DE KNOP ONDERAAN DIT BERICHT OM DE ONLINE VIDEOSERIE GRATIS TE BESTELLEN. Deze kennis is de fundering vanLees meer overTijdelijk sterk verlaagd in prijs. Dus maar € 47 (i.pv. € 495). BUR Methode © Transformational Coaching. Leer jezelf kennen met René & Susanne.[…]
Lees meer Tijdelijk sterk verlaagd in prijs. Dus maar € 47 (i.pv. € 495). BUR Methode © Transformational Coaching. Leer jezelf kennen met René & Susanne.
.... 'BUR' spells 'BE YOU ARE' ...
We work with the belief to be able to contribute to the inevidable changes needed on the terrains of healthcare, education, agriculture, lifestyle and business. Therefor we connect with pioneers and innovators and are able to assist them in their personal growth and business goals. By
change we mean positive innovations, transformations and development with a broad respect for striving towards the wellbeing of our planet, her waters, air, plants and the health of her inhabitants. It is our special mission to improve health care in general by connecting with collegues and experts in both mainstream medicine and complementary physical and mental health care.